Sunday, January 27, 2019

Different Types of Damaged Coins and Minor Errors (you may find while coin roll hunting).

A visual reference of different types of damaged coins that you will undoubtedly come across while going through circulated, mixed date bank rolls.

Corrosion on Copper Plated Zinc Cents (Zinc Rot)

Corrosion on Solid Alloy Coins (Bronze - Copper/Nickel - Etc.)

Coin Rolling Machine Damage - AKA The Ring of Death

Sanded, Ground, or Rubbed Smooth Coins

Coins Cut with Snips or Shears

Cents Filed Down to Trick Pay Phones or Vending Machines

Parking Lot Coins - AKA Road Rash

Plating Blisters

Die Deterioration - Ridge Ring

Red Cents and Other Coins

Rotational Damage from Antique Coin Saver Tube

Fake Straight Clipped Planchet

Uniform Stripes on Coins

Bezel Coins

Environmentally Toned Coins


  1. Thanks chris, I often wonder about these coins. Great to know.

  2. Interesting read. I was wondering how to tell whether if someone just clipped the coin to resemble a clipped planchet. What exactly is the Blakesly Effect? Will look into that.

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  4. Can someone please shead some light on what would cause a penny to be thick and thin on one side but also have a rotation under the surface of the coin? I'm asking for my final in school. Thank you.
